Boise State University Top Questions

Tell us about your professors.




Most of my professors have been excellent! I feel like Boise State really strives for high quality educators. My professors are all very nice. All through high school we were taught (at least I was) that college teachers are different from college professors. My teachers always told me that my college professors will not care if I succeed or not and they won't go out of their way to help me. The professors at Boise State have proved that statement wrong. I have had several teachers go out of their way to make sure that we were getting the help we needed in order to succeed. In one of my classes, all of us were really struggling with the professors quizzes. The format made them so hard and none of us were doing well. We confronted our professor and she changed the quizzes so that they were better for us. This is only one example of how Boise State professors strive to help us succeed.