Bob Jones University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bob Jones University know before they start?


You can do anything you want to do as long as you work hard at it. Many people think that you have to be the brightest and best to get anywhere in life. Bright people can do great things, but only if they work hard. Average people who work hard get farther than bright people who give a half-hearted effort. Many students struggle with choosing a major. That's completely normal, but don't let that stop you. Do your research. Go online, talk to people you know, take career placement tests, and perhaps observe some professionals you know. Declare your major and work hard at it. If start a major and find out that it's not the right one for you then you can change, but don't sit around waiting for the right one to smack you on the head. You take the first step. School is not all about hanging out or burying yourself in your books. There is a delicate balance between the two. Take time to care about other people and spend time with them. You are developing life skills that you will use along with your academic work. Pursue your dream.


Pick a school that is a strong one in academics as well as socially. There needs to be a balance between the two in order to get a well-rounded education. Pick one like that and you will finish well-prepared for the life & career ahead of you.


I would tell myself to not worry so much about grades. Worrying did nt help anyway. Spend your time wisely and effectively when with friends, homework, and work.


Girl, study harder and CRACK THEM BOOKS! I know you will do your best, but as you age, good isn't good enough. Go ahead and finish your Secretarial College next year, then while you are working, take night classes and become the person you know you want to be. Do NOT let yourself be swayed by guilt into doing what someone else thinks is right. Go for the gusto and do what YOU want to do with your life. You have only you to depend upon so make sure that you are the person you CAN depend upon. You know that family members will try to knock you down for going to college, but be the duck and let it roll off your back. Don't worry about getting their respect, if you respect yourself for doing what YOU think is right, then that will guide you through. Be steadfast in your studies, but have fun as well. Love, ME PS: GO TO'll be fine


I’m incredibly indecisive. I never even like to make simple decisions like what movie to watch or what to eat for dinner. So, when it came to picking a major, it was extremely difficult for me because of this inability to choose. I spent two years of college taking useless classes, fulfilling the requirements to obtain my Associates Degree, but never experimenting with courses that really seemed interesting to me. I took the easy road, and signed up for classes that seemed easy, rather than bring me closer to figuring out my interests. As a result, I am now beginning my third year of college, Associates Degree in hand, with virtually no idea if I’ll actually like my chosen major or not. If I could go back in time and give advice to my high school self, it would be to make a list of subjects/professions that interest me and to take classes in my first two years in those subject areas, to see which courses I enjoy the most. I would tell myself to make sure I had more of an idea of what I want by this point in my schooling than I do now.


Spend more time scholarship searching and saving more money


If I could go back in time and give some advice to my high school senior self, I would remind myself to not let the stress of college life blind me from the many great opportunities and people that it also brings into my life. Sure, the homework load is sometimes insane and at times can seem almost unbearable, but that's why I have to study and PLAN AHEAD! If I spend a little extra time to schedule when, where and what to study during the day, it actually saves me loads of time and spares me from unnecessary anxiety in the long run. College only happens once, and I want to use my time here to the fullest! Take advantage of the opportunities it offers me and build life-long friendships. Two more quick pieces of advice: don't study in my dorm room! There are too many distractions that WILL negatively affect my focus the quality of my studying. Last of all, make healthy food choices! Don't succomb to all that processed food at the dining common. All those calories DO add up, and the freshman 15 just isn't worth it.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to focus on my current position in my education, and to prepare well for college, both academically and financially. I wish that I would have paid more attention to my studies during high school, as it would have helped me greatly in the college setting. I was not focused at all during high school, and that made it harder to adjust to life at college. Regarding preparation financially, I would tell myself to work more and save more. It's easier to go through college if you don't have to worry about how to pay your next school bill. I would also tell myself to not be a social idiot. I have done so many socially awkward things that I should have learned not to do during high school. So in a summary, I would say "study hard, work hard, and be cool."


The only advice I would have given myself as a high school senior is what I now consider one of my biggest regrets. If I could go back in time, I would have attended Kent State University my freshman year instead of attending a community college. I turned down the opportunity to play intercollegiate volleyball because at the time, I doubted myself and my future. Since the fourth grade, volleyball has been my passion. However, by the end of my senior year, I found myself fighting to keep that passion alive. After being constantly degraded and pushed to my limit by countless coaches, the will to continue playing slowly died. I began to take for granted the once in a lifetime opportunity I had been given; to play in college. After I had time away from the sport, I realized the saying, "You don't know what you have until it's gone" is very true. Although a terrible cliche, it made me understand for the first time that I was put on this earth to play. If only I could go back to high school, I would be sure to never make the same mistake.


Don't worry about relationships in high school. They will most likely not work out, and you're just hurting yourself. Also, apply for more scholarships. Money is tight, and you need the help. Study harder. You need to get and keep you GPA up.