Biola University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The Christian education I am getting here at Biola is the main reason I came here, instead of going to schools with much better film programs (my major) like USC or UCLA and it is the reason I continue to stay here. The Christian education is great and my film education is pretty good considering it's still a pretty new program. These, along with the fact that you won't find a nicer campus in America, are my reasons for staying at Biola although I have to sacrfice my health, preferred living style and general education for it.


Nurturing community for spiritual growth, awesome Bible classes


The community is amazing. I have made friends that will never be replaced and I will have them for life. I love that the professors and the students on this campus share the same faith and relationship with Jesus Christ and the biblically centered education is irreplaceable.


The best thing about BIOLA is that there is no one thing. It facilitates a Christian University that is set on providing the tools that Christians need indifferent of their perspective careers. Yet, undergraduates have many opportunities to encounter music, art, sports, missions, and community involvement that are all world class. Now as an alumni I see that the spirit of BIOLA continues on even though I graduated, I am still a part of the University. The education here far surpasses not just my expectations but the expectations of others.


Community. It was absolutly amazing. I loved every aspect of the friendships I made and the people I was surrounded by. The campus is amazing and perfect for creating communities that will last a life time.


Biola has stretched me in my faith through my lectures, worship, friendships and personal study. God's presence is in this campus and calls me to a higher standard. I feel that this school is preparing me for my career in psychology while applying my faith to my studies. I would not trade getting this solid Biblical education for any other school.


I enjoy the close small community that it offers, though not so small that you are not constantly meeting people who you have never seen before.


God-centered, caring, loving, community


The educational value is absolutely wonderful.

