if I could go back in time and talk to omyself as a senior in highschool I would definetly encourage myself more. Knowing what I know about college life and the transition stage would have been very helpful. Although, it is a learning progress and not easy everyone goes thorugh it. Some useful advice would be to keep your eyes and mind on a certain goal and never give up. College isn't easy especialy financial issues, which tend to come up every semester. Before college starts apply to as many scholarships and avoid loans as much as possible. Get to know students in your class, make appointments with the proffessors and the counselors at school even if you think everything is going well. It is very important to stay organized and ready with differnt deadlines. keep a schedule and follow it; never taking your eyes off your goal. Also, get involved in school activities because getting to know peopel brings forth more opportunities and ideas to help with your future goals.
The transition is hard, also make sure you get out and do not go home on weekends. Many of my friends did that I feel missed out on so much. Also carry in units if you can because it helps to get done and finish on time,. Lastly if you are student with disabilities choose a school that is willing to accomate.
Dear 17-year-old Jana,
I know that it is easy to get caught up in student council, soccer, and AP classes; I know Dad's not really around right now; I know you're dating that guy in college (Dump him now, he's not that cool). I know all that. Now here's what I need you to know: You have so much worth. Remember how you were a Homecoming Princess? That means you are beautiful, Jana! Please believe that about yourself. You are so beautiful, and you have so much ahead of you. Even when your blonde hair fades to brown (which it will!), you are no longer a size 4, and you look in the mirror and wish you didn't look the way you do, Jana, you have so much worth in who you are! Remember how quickly the last few years have gone? That's how quickly they will continue to go. Savor each day and remember to love well. Wake up each morning and thank God for the life and grace He has given you. Love those around you. And, Jana, love yourself. Remember: God created you on purpose. Live with purpose!
Take all the AP classes you can so you can be ahead once you're in college! Learn how to balance your social life and academics! Never let anyone discourage you from applying to schools or seeking financial aid. Always be proactive in reaching out to new students, they are just as nervous as you are. Look forward to a bright future and don't be discouraged by your lack of vision! Encourage others to pursue wholistic living and don't be surprised when harships come, they always do. Instead, embrace hardships as opportunities to be tested, and when you reflect upon these times later in life you will be glad that you didn't worry. Never worry about anything, but know that you are already taken care of. Make every moment in your precious life worthwhile! Carpe Deim! God stands beside you and no one can foil his plan!
Making the transition into college is a step that not many people are prepared for. You on the other hand were more than ready to make that leap. The only thing you forgot was that it was not going to be easy. You always assumed that going into college was your big chance to start over. However, you were still the same person and had the same difficulties that you had in high school. Making friends is a horrible process that you dread going through. My advice to my high school senior self is to just take it slow. The friends will eventually come. Take the first year of college, as depressing as it may sound, as a time to get to know yourself and figure out what you want in life. This is the first time that you alone and on your own so don?t waste it by sulking over the roommate and hall mates who won?t look at you. There are better things to come in the future so for the transition, make it a good one by just being happy with where you are at. Being popular and having friends is not everything.
Don't make decisions based on what you THINK others want from you. If anything, follow your heart. Don't be afraid to own your passions and utilize them in your future! Just because some may view singing as "unrealistic" see it as a blessing, a gifting, and don't be afraid to shine on and off the stage! Commit yourself to being an individual, and don't take no for an answer when others tell you that you can't do something. Never be afraid to stand out and don't be afraid to ask "why?". If anything, follow your dreams and find what lies ahead of you as thrilling and adventurous, not scary and upsetting. Don't be dissapointed with where you've been, instead look at it as something to launch a bright future off of! And YOU. Even if that means having to say good-bye to popularity and "doing the right thing", be who you are, and grow through it!
In high school I had no idea what I wanted to "grow up" and become. If I were to return and give myself advice it would be to not rush myself. It's okay to be young, and make mistakes. It's okay to not know what you want to do with your life. It is no okay, however, to sit around doing nothing. Work towards a goal. Set college in your sights, and work towards getting there. Even if you don't know what you want to do, it's important to work towards getting a degree. Work hard in college. Experiment with differen classes and use that to learn about yourself and what you are interested in. From there you can narrow down what you like and what you want to do with your life. Don't settle, or compromise. Some people choose a profession because it makes money. But you should choose a profession that you're interested in and something that makes you happy. Work hard and don't ever give up.
If I could go back to give advice to my high school self, I would make sure to communicate this message: Live! When I went away to college my freshman year, I was very cautious, very suspicious of life. I had no idea what to expect, and it all happened so suddenly, so I pulled back from the world. I met very few people, and those I did meet were little more than acquaintances. I succeeded in avoiding extreme trauma, but in the process I missed so many opportunities to actually live. I forgot that as humans we live in community; without it we slowly waste away, like a glowing coal taken from the fireplace, slowly surrendering its warmth. During that year I withered, and by the end I realized that I did not even know who I was anymore. So if I could go back and give myself advice, I would say, Live! Get out there! You are meant for community: Don't run from it! Abandon your cynicism and trust someone other than yourself! Let yourself be vulnerable to others; it is only then that you will experience what you are looking for. You will not regret it.
I would tell myself to learn how to balance academics and social life early on in college life. If you do not learn how to do that then you will develop bad habits that will carry on with you for the rest of your college career.
If you're not sure what you're doing, go to a community college first! There is no shame in that. You get your first two years of education for a fraction of the cost and would get all the general education requirements out of the way. THEN transfer into a four-year university to finish your last 2 years doing only the courses in your major. You still get the SAME degree, but pay way less money. Also, LIVE ON CAMPUS for at least a year. You don't want to miss out on college life, you only get it once.