Biola provides a smaller environment and smaller class sizes while maintaining the quality of education. Biola desires to see each and every student be effective in his/her field of study and maintains a small student teacher ratio to do so. Biola also fosters caring community on and off campus in order to make students feel at home, and help them belong to a supportive network of peers. Mentorship and guidance programs at Biola help students to excell not only in their academic pursuits but also in their search for personal significance and purpose.
This campus has such a prescence about it; i stepped on it and i felt home. It is very peaceful and pleasant and is beautiful. It was founded on Truth and has never strayed from following Jesus.
Biola University seeks to teach and grow its students holistically. The University offers courses, chapels, clubs, mission trips, jobs, counselors, and other student-related activites in order to improve the student in all areas of life. However, first and foremost, Biola's mission is to create a university where its students can increase their knowledge and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior and ruler, so that they may impact the world in and for His name. Biola University is the best place to go for both academic excellence and a Christ-centered education.
It has a Christian environment where students can pray for each other anywhere without feeling embarrassed.
It is a great school to get involved in and become part of the community. There are events such as concerts, intramurals, poetry readings, and spirit events to be able to get involved with the community and enjoy your time at the school. Academically it is a very good school with a Biblical Based background in everything.
The community at the school is extremely supportive in all situations (physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally). Also, our school has community standards that every students signs and agrees to follow which says that we will not drink, do drugs, or have sex outside of marriage while we attend the school.
The community, the way the professors actually care about their students! They are all so understanding and helpful, it's amazing!! The people in your classes and dorms really care about you too!
we require 30 units of bible for all students
if you want a good education with a biblical background Biola is a good place to go