If I had to go back in time to my past self, i would tell him that the first year is always the hardest one because a huge wave of responsibilities will sweep you off your feet and will give you a big bruise on the head, as to remind you that life starts now. College will give you8 the best idea of what life will be like as an adult, because it will provide you with experiences that only adults go through; such as paying the rent for an apartment along with all the bills that come every month. However, it will give you a smooth transition into young adulthood by providing you with friends and great role models that will guide you towards success.
To save up money for college, more than i did.
I would tell myself to apply for as much scholarships during my senior year as possible. I would tell myself to start looking at different colleges my freshman year to get an idea of what college I would like to attend. Start taking college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT early to improve my chances of getting a higher score. I would also encourage myself to weigh all of my options carefully when choosing a college. I would let myself know that you don't have to physically go to a college campus to get an education; you can take online courses. I would also let myself know that networking and community service are necessities when it comes to college.
The advice I would give my self would be to work a little hard in class and make the stright A's, join more things like clubs so I wouldnt be on the computer right now looking up scholarships for my self they would just basically be handed to me.
If I had the ability to go back and time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself a great amount of advice. At 18 we havent been exposed to the real world yet, we are still young and having fun is still on our mind. There are ways to have fun but also ways to be serious. Some advice would be, save your money, books are expensivce, classes are expensive. Dont worry about what others will think of you, what matters is what makes you happy and the people you love around you. Have fun but not to much fun. Dont sweat the small stuff, but use your head. Make sure you pass every class, graduating on time will become very important as you want to one day provide for a family, even yourself. Fashionabe cars, clothes, electronics, dont mean anything in the real world. Be comfortable, meet new people, explore different careers, there is so much to do and become in this world, explore every option, party but be smart. Start at a community college and save tons of money, as long as you transfer and get a degree.
the advice that I would give myself is try to be yourself and don't try to be something your not and make as many friends as you can and do well and don't get caught up in all thr hype just do you.
SAVE SOME MONEY!!!!!!! Be yourself! Be confident! Keep your head up! And do not be a follower!!!!
they advice that I would give myself is just be yourself and dont try to be something your not just to impress people just to be their friend its not worth it.
college is a time of growth. it is a time in which the unexpected meets challenge and extraordinary ability. it is not a time to encompass in social activities more than academics. it is a time to encourage, mentor,breathe, live, and allow for flexibility. it is a time to become more self-involved, to become a better individual than before. college is about responsibility, from health to study habits. understanding yourself and accepting things you cannot change are key during this critical period. you will pushed beyond your natural talent and abilities, once you grasp hold to hope, there is no looking back. there is only progression, and once you have achieved your level of success, you will know it.
When I was in high school and knowing what I know now; I would have studied much harder to achieve more scholarship to support my education.