This little green start is beautiful and big enough to satisfy your real demands deep inside your heart. If you remove your pressures on yourself and look at the sky for a while, you will realize what you chased for a long time is more worthless than what you thought.
"Smart" people seem if they know about the world, but they do not. They fool themselves as if they have everything. But the most pitiful kind of people in the world is this "smart" people. They sit on a hard, emotionless chair and look at human-made tiresome blue lights from squared box, so-called computers for more than eight hours a day. Sometimes, they give up their times with nature and even family to see these blue lights again. They don't laugh, they don't smile, they don't have energy nor passion.
The point is this: your true gifts are around you, waiting for you to see them. You have not been realized their importance and beauty because they are always with you. Believe me, you will get more than what you intended.
Bethany, in order for you to do well in college, you need to take more time to study. Not studying and taking your work seriously can harm you in the long run. College isn't easy, it takes time and effort. Also, you need to apply for more schalorships, those scholarships could allow you to attend the college that you really want to go to. Last but not least, spend more time deciding what you want to study. Making decisions are hard, transitioning is hard, but life is even harder if you aren't sure what you want to do with your life. Make sure to take life seriously, connect your likes and dislikes to the career field that fits you best. Knowing what you want to study before going to college saves you a lot of time and money.
I would advise myself, that study time is important, but for the most part in the beginning it isn't going to be all consuming. Getting connected is a big bonus, and not going to a huge college is always a really big plus. I'd let myself know, that as long as I major in something that I enjoy then I will never be too stressed over the class, oh and I'd let myself know that a BA requires you to take another language again.
Knowing what I know now, I would want to tell myself to save more money, work harder for better grades and apply for more scholarships!
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to remember that I am going to college for me, not for the school and to keep everything in perspective. As an incoming freshman I came into Berry College excited, and when I was given a schedule, I was so happy to get it I didn't revise anything about the schedule. I didn't ask for help because I didn't want to give the administration any trouble. This was a mistake because I had a class at 8 AM, four days of the week, and because I was only taking 13 credit hours. These factors were detrimental because I'm not a morning person, so the early class was my lowest grade and it negatively and heavily impacted my GPA. Also, if I had taken more classes, I would have had a higher grade to help even out that poor grade's impact. If I were to have kept everything in perspective and known that the administration is there to help me with any issues, I would have never gone without reffering to someone about refining my schedule.
I would tell myself to apply to more colleges and universities and provide myself with more options. I may have told myself to consider community college for the general education courses and to develope a sound study technique at a cheaper price and attain a solid GPA. I would tell myself to apply myself more and focus on what really matters, that building a life around another individual is always a bad idea.
You need to take college serious, and get your education now, and make the most of it. If you get the best education you can get you will never have to work dead end jobs, or be on welfare. Having a family is great, but you should wait until you have the means to support them. In todays world you never know about the job market, and if you get an education there will always be work for you.
Do not let yourself stand in your own way of greatness. When it came time to apply for colleges, I applied to three safe schools and a 'reach school', or a school that may have been a bit of a stretch to get into. I would jokingly tell people that I was never going to get in, just so it would soften the blow to my ego when I would get a letter of denial. When I got accepted to my reach school, I realized that I had a lot to offer Berry College and needed to give myself more credit regarding my strengths. If I had to give my high school-self advice, it would be to have a great attitude. Just because I may not be great at Math or Science does not mean I can't strongly contribute to academics and the campus life at Berry College. With my newfound attitude, I have performed better than I ever did in high school, cultivated very strong relationships, and had the most fun of my life while doing so.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have advised myself to fill out a recruitement form for swim and baseball and see if I would have started to play a sport for my university. Coming to college is not the best thing ever because you realise that you dont know a lot of people and not everyone can be called friends. You are responsible for yourself. In high school I have been part of the swim and baseball team for four years so I had the habit of being part of a family that shares a common goal. When I came to university it was a complete change, I was a nobody. The routine was to go to classes, do homework and go back home. If I would have taken that step to get recruited I would have not been alone and would have been competing in a sport I loved. I will be who I am there is no need to change in order to feel accepted.
My main advice to myself would be to relax and be myself. Do not be afraid to take a break from the homework. You will get it done and you will learn the matierial well. Grades are temporary and people are so much more important. Trust in those around you and make friends. These are the friends you will have for the rest of your life. They will also impact your life in ways you can never expect or anticpate. Trust in the plan God has for your life and know that you will always have support from those around you at Berry College.