Bentley University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I have always known that Bentley University consists of a vigirous curriculum and many high standards which one is expected to reach and overcome; howver, if I had one wish, a piece of knowlegde to know before my arrival to this University it would have to be, practice your time managment skills and find your limitations while still in highschool. The reasoning behind this is because once you are in college you will have an opportunity to practice and perfect your weakest links therefore you will be able to produce and excel to your best ability in college and beyond.


Before coming to school, I wish I had known or was better advised about the college transisiton. Going from high school to college was rough and it was an experience I was not prepared for. If I had known that it wasn't just a changing of school but more of a change in life, my freshman year would have been smoother both socially and academically.


Bentley really focuses on Academics and makes it a number one priority.


I wish I would have known that the girls were not slutty or easy.


I wish I knew that I would not be granted any financial aid once i was in the institution.


That a lot of the students were rich and didn't need to have jobs.


I wish i had known more of my class mates, been friends with a few people before i arrived.


Bentley College is a great school. however I did not realize how mush my eduacation would cost me. I am very concerned with how I am going to pay my loans after I graduate.


That'd my car would be the least expensive one here!


Not sure.