Baylor University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Baylor University?


The only kind of person that I can think of that should NOT attend Baylor would be an athiest. It is not that they wouldn't be accepted because they would. However, Baylor requires each student to take two semesters of chapel and two semesters of religion classes.


Whoever is looking for having fun and party at school.


If you don't want to go to a Christian school, then Baylor isn't for you. Not that everyone at Baylor is a Christian, but realize that things like chapel and religion classes are required.


Baylor is full of diverse people and ideas. People that can not handle diversity and do not have a high tolerance for other peoples ideas and beliefs will not have the best time here at Baylor University. Baylor is prided and being different and diverse and so are the students.


Everyone is welcome to Baylor, even those who have no intrest in Christianity, they may even be surprised that they can look to God and learn something, if not then that is thier decision. Those who are intrested in agriculture I would not recommend Baylor, because we do not have the prgrams offered to those who wish to pursue this career field.


One who does not know the true value and the opportunities opened through education should not waste his time nor money at Baylor University.


Anyone who is looking for an 'easy ride' through college. You need to be a serious student.


Roosevelt once compared humans to sheep, saying that they "follow the drove". Students who are not willing to challenge themselves or who are looking for a party school offering an "easy ride" should not attend Baylor University. It is a wonderful school with an incredible faculty. The professors, rather working before you, choose to work beside you. They force you to grapple with a myriad of questions. They inspire you to pursue your goals. A student who is not willing to surrender his or her childhood beliefs and accept to reigns of adult life, should not attend Baylor University.


A person who does not follow Christan values


A person that is very open minded and acceptable to new ways of thinking.