There is so fraternities and sororities to choose from if that is for you. Waco isn't exactly the most exciting place, but hey, you learn to be creative.
FOOTBALL is an amazing experience even when we're not winning!!
I wouldnt leave your dorm room unlocked... someone WILL steal your things... probably your room-mate.
Dating... well if you are an ignorant girl looking for a drunk frat guy... this is the place for you!
There are some pretty cool traditional things that go on... but thats really only for Freshman, and the rest of the student body has better things to do.
Frats and sororities are popular, just like anywhere. I think its stupid to pay for friends... how sad is it that you have to join a club and do dumb things to yourself during RUSH to find friends on a campus for more than 20,000 people... seems like a social issue to me.... maybe they need counseling... or a hug!
Greek is pretty big on campus. There are also a lot of non-Panhellenic fraternities and sororities so that it seems almost everyone gets involved in at least one. Girls dorms, at least, aren't the most happening places. People stick to themselves for the most part and don't interact much with their hall. Athletic events are pretty popular, but they aren't packed that often unless our team is doing well at the moment. Dating is also a pretty big deal at Baylor, there are a lot of couples and there's a joke that if you don't get married before you leave college, you get your money back. Partying isn't a huge scene at Baylor. It's unlike other colleges in that you have to find the parties, the partying doesn't find you. Most of the parties are within Greek circles. If you're not partying on the weekend, you can be going on a road trip to Austin or Dallas, which have good concerts often, you can hear a live band at Common Grounds, the popular coffee place right off-campus, or go to one of the few clubs in town, which usually are most happening on Thursdays unless they've been rented out by a fraternity on a weekend night.
i was involved with greek life and enjoyed every aspect. you can definitely find your niche if you are not in a greek organization, but it does make the social process easier. typically freshmen and sophomores dont drink but beginning junior year, the social scene is at parties and bars. waco has all the typical entertainment venues: bowling, the movies, restaurants, parks, etc but students pretty much hang out with each other on the weekends.
I met most of my closest friends in the dorm. We roomed together til the end of my senior year, and I plan on staying in touch with most of them. We played games, watched movies, and went out to dinner. Most nights we would just stay up talking with whoever happened to show up at our house that night.
The most popular organizations on campus are American Medical Student Association, Habitat 4 Humanity, fraternties and sororities.
At the beginning of the year students would leave their dormroom doors open, but towards the end of the year not so much.
Athletic events are somewhat popular. Our football team isn't the best so the games aren't very popular, but they are still fun to go to. Basketball games tend to have a larger crowd, since we are better in that sport.
If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday, then I'm probably studying for a very important test, but it's very rare that I'm awake at that time.
People party just about every weekend.
Things to do on a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking: go bowling at the SUB, go watch a movie, hang out with your friends and play video games.
There is nothing to do on campus at Baylor. The only time is during February when there is SING. That is when all the fraternities and sororities have musical acts. They are amazing! Many students get drunk on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and then go to church on Sunday. You can easily avoid the party scene, but realize you will spend most of your time at the movie theater. Do not come to Baylor and expect a typical college experience. Baylor will not offer you fun or exciting activities to do. You will be bored out of your mind! Rush really did help me meet friends, but it is still a very difficult social scene. The student body has no school pride, and why should they? Nobody likes Baylor.
There's always something going on. Always. You can do as much or as little as you choose. Common Grounds is a great coffee/study place, the SUB is often host to football game parties, there's always a guest speaker or performance in the art/theatre department, etc. There is no reason to ever be bored. I don't really know how else to say it.
There are plenty of things to do at Baylor as far as activities and clubs go, the only problem is that they aren't ever publicized. Every time I hear about some social event or organization I could sign up for, it's either too late, or I find out about it the day it occurs. The only time I'm able to go to a Baylor-endorsed activity is the day I find out about it!
Baylor offers its fair share of students organizations, including groups that support and promote a certain religion, hobby, sport, academic subject, etc. Fraternities and sororities are pretty popular too. Of course there are the typical Greek life stereotypes, but every school has that. For me, the price of joining a sorority is what turned me away. I don't know how it is at other schools, but I'd prefer not to spend $1000 a semester for a few socials and some t-shirts. Our sports teams are admittedly not very good, but the Baylor Line for football and Bear Pit for basketball are fun "school spirit" traditions for students. I'm really not into the whole tradition thing, but you HAVE to rush the field before a home football game with the Baylor Line as a freshman at least once! As far as meeting people, I met all my closest friends through my freshman dorm roommate. We both went potluck for the dorm and ended up becoming best friends, though that seems to be the exception more than the rule. But even if you don't get along with your roommate, you'll meet a ton of people in your classes. Fun things to do in Waco include NOT staying in Waco. There are a couple clubs and bars in town, but most people will drive to Dallas, Austin, or College Station on the weekends (All are within an hour and a half from Waco). Or for the hardcore road-tripper, you can make it to the Oklahoma border in about two and half hours and try your luck at the 18 and up Winstar Casino!