Small class sizes are a plus.
The campus is not only beautiful but the environment, staff and other students make of Baylor like a second family.
One of the things that is toughest about Baylor is finding the place you belong. What I found is that a lot of students hated Baylor their first semester, but loved it their second after they found their group. A lot of the students come to college together, so it can be hard to find your group, but don't despair, you'll find it... or you can transfer.
But Baylor is a great place to go to college. You can really get the college experience. Probably one of the worst things is that it's pretty expensive, but they are pretty generous with financial aid.
If you can get past all the paperwork and rules and really try to have a good time, then Baylor will be awesome.
There is a lot of drug use (adderol) because you have to be able to study for hours upon end to study for your tests.
I love Baylor! So, so much. It's as expensive as all get-out but it's definitely the right choice for me, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
All in all, Baylor's a great school. It's founded on Christian values, yet large enough and varied enough to allow you to escape those values, if you wish.
This place is great!
I think that Baylor is a great academic institution. I love going to class, i love interacting with my educated classmates. I love the Texas weather and the people. Sometimes i wish that there werent rules for what someone can and cannot do in their own home... rules for what time you have to be home.... jkust rules that are worse than the ones your parents gace you when you were 12. BAylor wants their students to be sheltered for the real world... but reality is that a sickening amount of students die or kill themselves each year, studetns get robbed, car jacked, shot at, raped... and whatever else happen.... just like it happens anywhere else in the world.
Your not any safer because you go to the conservative southern baptist school, if anything, you are more at risk because they fail to let their students have enough freedom to learn about what life is... and unfortuantely, most never do, and they are the ones targeted and the ones who usually dont know what danger is.
i have loved every moment at baylor, it was well worth every penny and has given me countless college memories and wonderful friends to cherish.