Bay Path University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Bay Path University?


Scholarships. Professors. Small class size


I brag about the gym. It's free and is equipped with machines designed specifically for women. I also brag about the performing arts department and how wonderful it is. It's a good department even though the school does not look upon it as a good thing. But I do not brag about any thing else about this school.


The small classes and the friendliness of teachers and other members who are employed by the school


Its an all girl school, so i dont have to worrie about any crazy boy drama, how I look when I go to class, or how Im acting in general. I also brag about how small the campus is.


I brag about how it's a small school and that it's in a small town. I also brag about how our public saftey officers are close to us, they are great friends and care greatly about the students. Another thing we brag about is about how all the professors are funny, understanding and basically are laid back. This school is like our home we are all family.


How friendly and involved our President is! She really makes an effort to get to know all of her students by name and face.. attending most campus events and welcoming every student to have dinner with her at some point in the year. This personal connection really makes me feel even more connected to my school, and recognizing all of the people around me that cannot wait to see me succeed.


The quality of the professors


The safe enviroment and the professors ability to help students with any questions they may have. The close knit community and great friendships I have made.


It's an all womens school so there are no boys there to cause any distractions. It's also kept extremely clean inside and out. Maybe that also has to do with the fact that there are no childish boys around!


All women school