They are very friendly and loving people
My classmates are very helpful and give engouragement.
Barry University is a very diverse school with students from all over the world. Because it is so diverse, you get to learn about many parts of the world you've only heard about in magazines or seen on television commercials!
Barry is very warm in accepting people of all creeds and sexualities: for example, Barry students may have an interest in the Caribbean Cultures club, Internationals United, Christian groups, and PRIDE, which is the LGBT club that supports that community. The university attempts to have everyone involved and united in the school. People are very accepting of creeds and tend to appreciate you more as a person instead of judging you by creed.
The school is made up of mostly blacks and females. There are many many many international students. All people regaress of race and ethnicity and age, interact with each other.
Barry is very warm in accepting people of all creeds and sexualities: for example, Barry students may have an interest in the Caribbean Cultures club, Internationals United, Christian groups, and PRIDE, which is the LGBT club that supports that community. The university attempts to have everyone involved and united in the school. However, I have one thing to say regarding students who are of non-belief. As I have mentioned in another answer, I am close friends with a few atheists, free-thinkers, and deists who attend this school. They have often commented that they feel left out in regards to activities and vocalizing their beliefs and what they offer; I am not saying that the school is prejudiced against their creed, but it's just that there is no real "secular" activity set aside for non-believers. If one is a non-believer entertaining the notion of coming to Barry University, I would like to let them know that they may not feel as included as others do with school unity. However, people are very accepting of creeds and tend to appreciate you more as a person instead of judging you by creed.
Barry University is one of the most diverse universities around. We have students from all countries enrolled on campus. Honestly, no student should ever feel out of place at Barry. The population is a melting pot. The class attire tends to vary. You have students who like to look professional, sporty, casual, or some even wear pajamas. Whatever look you choose will be fine. Students of all majors and races bond together to form good relationships and friendships. Predominately, students are local residents, but a large majority of the students come from other states. Some students like it here so much that they make Barry and Miami their new home, and become local residents as well. You do have your handful of politcally active and aware students, but they do not overwhelm the population.
My classmates are very ambitious although some are more laid back then others.
Barry students are warm and charming.
At Barry University its very exciting because there are students from all over the world,the word that best describes my classmates is international,this is a great quality because it gives us students to confront different backrounds and ideas.