Ball State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Ball State University.


As an honors college student I have the privilege of being in classes with students who love to get involved in discussions, genuinly care about their performance in their classes, and are extremely friendly.


My classmates are my best friends, who are always willing to help with homework or order a pizza and hang out.


I seriously question the maturity of most of my classmates on a daily basis.


My classmates in the Honors College are intelligent, talented, studious, and friendly.


Most of my classmates seem to come from similar working class backgrounds from relatively small Indiana towns.


They are hard working and focused. They are very caring and helpful. We work well together to help one another solve problems. We share resources we find to help better serve our students we teach in the classroom. This is a great place to make friends for life and professional contacts for down the road.


My classmates are very diverse, yet just like me!


My Ball State University classmates are very nice and extremely helpful. Everyone is willing to give a helping hand when needed. I have met some wonderfulf friends while attending Ball State! Friends that will definitely last a lifetime.


My classmates at Ball State University are not afraid to laugh, learn, and ask questions in the classroom to allow themselves to get the best out of their education.


Some are friendly, some are weird, some are quiet, but I love them all.