Baker University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Baker University know before they start?


Chosing a college is ultimately up to the student. Dont base your desicion on your parents or friends or money situation. If you feel the college or university is the right choice for you, then it probably is. Chosing a college/university is one of the biggest desicions in one's life and it should be a pure, unbiased desicion.


In order to find the right school, you need to take your time. So don't wait until the last minute to start searching for your school, make sure you visit a few times, sit in on a class, and take advantage of any and every scholarship opportunity possible! Make sure you make the most of your college experience because you will never again have the freedom you have while you are there, and although skipping a class every now and again isn't going to kill your GPA, you will have to start being more responsible for the choices you make; after all you are at college to get an education, but don't forget that you are there to gain life experiences as well so get involved and have a little fun!


Make sure you find a college where the environment, professors and students, make you feel at home. Feeling at home will be the most important part to making the most of a college experience. For this to happen you must not be afraid to get out there and be yourself. When you go on a college visit, do not be afraid to participate in any events that are happening that day.


1.) Choose a school that you feel like it will be a smooth transition. 2.) Explore all scholarship opportunities at all schools you are interested in (private schools really aren't that expensive with scholarships). 3.) BE VERY INVOLVED! You are given one college opportunity, so make the most of it. Don't overwelhm yourself or underwehlm. You can aways quit anything if it effects your school work. 4.) Greek life may not be for everyone, but rush to meet people! 5.) Don't procrastinate... seriously! 6.) Try many different study techniques. 7.) Take advise from upper classmen.


I would tell parents and students to not be afraid of change. Going to college is a brand new chapter in the students' life. There are going to be many changes and adaptations that are going to have to occur for both the parent and the student. Being open to new ideas is the key to being succesful in college. When looking for that perfect place to attend college, think of three things: 1. Can you picture yourself there? 2. Are the people you meet (students, staff/faculty) dependable and trustworthy? 3. Is this somewhere you can be yourself? All of these things are very important when looking for a place to spend the next 4 years of your life. Keep an open mind, and don't be afraid of things your not used to.


When you arrive at the right campus for you, you will know. However that does not mean that when you go to the very first campus and you love it that you stop there because you will more than likely love every's just which one you love the most.


Don't just got for a college without researching it first. And don't go for your very first choice. Choosing a college is a tough decision and if you make the wrong choice you might waste your time and money at a college that isn't right for you.


Find a school that fits who you are, and once you get there jump in feet first and enjoy and experience as much as you can.


Ask questions, visit the campus, review the expenses, all the basic stuff. But more importantly, is get in touch with alumni, professors, students, and employers who are familar and can really explain the value and experience that set the university apart. If you can't do these things, maybe the university has something to hide. Once in college continue to do these things. Seek out advice, involvment, and challenge. The experience is what you make it, and the more you seek out, and the more challenges you tackle, the better your education becomes, and the more useful it is.


Start early. There is nothing more stressing then trying to cram visits in the spring of your senior year of high school. The earlier you can get your selection out of the way, the more you can enjoy your last semester in high school. Once you get there, be yourself. You will almost always be able to identify with someone or some group, you just have to be willing to put yourself out there and look.