In my shoes, I would totally change everything about my high school experience. I would tell myself to push hard and try better. Everyone can do it, you can do it. Just pu full time and you'll succeed.
I would tell myself to apply for all the scholarships I can because highschool flys by and before you know it, you'll be deciding on a college and if you don't apply for financial aid or scholarships, its going to be very expensive.
The only advice I would give my high school senior self is, just be yourself, don't let anybody change you and don't change for anybody, try your hardest at everything and I know you will succeed, and one last thing, never ever give up.
Since attending college I have experienced the stress, and the money problems. Though I have also experienced the dedication a person has to have in order to not only complete a class, yet to graduate. In high school, one can usually slide by class to class and pass. In college though, it is like a job. Going to each and every class is a job. It takes hard work, perseverance, and great attendance (like a job). I have not failed a class yet and I do not plan to. Nor have I ever dropped a class. What I have learned of other people who have dropped a class is that, why bother dropping when you have to take that course anyways. It is a waste of your own money to drop a course. So because of my hard work, I am that much closer to getting my degree.
I am no longer lost in my own mess. I have learned who I am as an individual, as well as gained confidence and education that WILL help me to succeed in my future career. I have a strong passion for helping others, but i've never known how. By learning who I am as an individual and what I want out of life, I have learned how to move forward and to be a more productive individual. I think it was very important to my future that I learned who I am as an individual because I didn't realize I couldn't help anyone else if I couldn't help myself. I know now what it is I want out of life and how I will get there. I worry about my financial future, but I do not worry about my ability to move forward with my education. I know all I have gained during my experience in college will be beneficial to my future career in the helping field. I don't always agree with everything at my college, but I have made life long friends and gained an indescribable education. These things I am thankful for.
I have gotten so many experiences out of this school. Also many new friends and hopefully future business partners. Pretty much every one and everything is pretty determind to do their best and survive out in the real world.
What I have gotten out of my collge experience is self fullment. I always wanted to go to college. Because I would be the first to gradurate college and make something out of myself. Another thing I got out is that I like to help people. So that the main reason I wanted to be a teacher.
You can do anything as long as you keep a cool head and think things through. Take that job opportunity to work at the vet clinics or grocery store. You can still balance school, work and even sports at the same time. In fact it will help you gain that needed experience that you desperately need in the coming future. Don't give up, though times and the recession is hitting the family pretty hard you?re going to survive.
Reread all your notes until it becomes second nature and don't let the internet and social sites get in your way because they ARE very addictive and will take up too much of that precious time that you need to use for studying. Don't take anything for granted and whatever you do stay strong. Sorrow over loved ones will hurt you deeply in the soon to come future; just remember that you will survive the pain and to keep studying.
You do not want to burn out before your life gets going, remember to take breaks and to enjoy life, because no matter what, you will get through this dark year.
If I could talk to myself just a short two years ago, I would tell myself to apply myself more to what I want and not get discouraged because of the amount of work needed. The program is difficult, but making it into the program is giving me an even harder time because I lack the study habits needed to truely learn the material I need to know because I get discouraged easily. College is not high school and cramming information the night before a test no longer works. It takes serious dedication, hard work, and long hours of reading and rereading material until you are blue in the face. Yes, dedicating yourself so much to each class and each test or assignment is like torchure, but when you get the grade you have been working for and finally make it to what you've wanted, I will be worth it because that pain will no longer matter, you've made it through another class on your way to your dreams. I might not actually be able to give myself this insight but I can remind myself of this now to make it through the journey to my dream.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would have encouraged myself to apply for scholarships, do more research on the college of my choice and not just pick the first college that visits my highschool, lastly I would have told myself to save up money for college since my parents weren't able to help at all.