Make sure that you attend the school that feels right to you. Attending any institution because you are pressured to do so will not be in your best interest. The only way to truely succeed and have a fulfilling undergraduate experience is if you want to be there.
really find a place that suits what you want to study. other than that location is also very important. where you are and how the ambiance is will affect your attitude about the school. that is why it is always a good idea to visit them before you go. and take advantage of all the things your university has to offer. be active and go to all the events even if they dont give you credit for class or boost your gpa. you learn a lot from listening to other people.
When you are looking for the right college, make sure you visit the school and LOOK AT THE STUDENTS. There is no way a student is going to be happy or successful in a given college unless they somewhat fit in with the students there. If you are walking around the school, there might be nice bulildings and a great curriculum, but who cares about architecture if you are miserable. From experience, the kids who do the best in class are the ones who have a healthy balance of activities outside the classroom which keep them happy and not always stressing over work. Another way find the right college is to buy a book. There are tons of books out there that give you the low-down on every school in the US. Don't listen to gossip about schools because it is usually prejudice; the books have facts. Finally, to make the most of your college experience, just be yourself. At college you meet so many different kinds of people that you have never been exposed to. Learn from them and become your own person. Your parents have prepared you as much as possible, now its up to you.
Ignore what your parents want you to do, and find something that interests you. I was a business major for my own reasons and nobody else's, and that's probably why I enjoyed it, stuck with it, and excelled at it. It's better to be great at someting that you enjoy than decent at something that you're not committed to, regardless of any discrepency in pay scale.
After visiting it should "feel" right, regardless of intectual analysis.
Follow your feeling. Law of attraction works.
I would suggest to visit the campus, and to see parts that the basic tour doesn't give you. Visit where you will be spending most of your time - in the pool, dorms, or the campus center. And notice how you feel when you get on campus. Do you feel like a visitor? or a part of the community? One school may give you more money, but do you really feel yourself here?
Attention students,
The college search process is in your hands, not your parents. The key to finding the right college and making the most out of your college expirience is having a clear understanding of what your a looking to get out of college in the first place. In order to answer this question, you must be able to identify your interests in life and simply know what makes you happy. As soon as you have recognized these aspects of your life, you will then be able to better narrow down the huge list that your college counselor has printed out for you. It is important to not simply look at the average SAT scores of the colleges that you are looking at, but also to try and understand what is unique about each college that you want to apply to. The factors that distinguish one college from another are the ones that will have the greatest impact on your college expirience. Remember to take time to really try and get to know the atmosphere and environment of each school that you visit and try to decide if you would be happy in that environment.
Go with the gut feeling
Visit the schools first and talk to the students about everyday living.