Azusa Pacific University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The workshop/internship courses should be considered as 4 units of work when considering course loads. It's not as diverse as a big city.


I'm not sure there is anything that I would have liked to have known before coming to APU. I think that I was in a good place in my life and I was ready to be molded and because of that I have learned so much during my time in college.


More knowledge about different scholarships. There are SO many for new students, but if you don't apply before arriving, they become unavailable.


How many units to take and what classes were more important so that I can graduate


I honestly don't think there is anything I wish I had known. Everything I initally felt that I needed to know what quickly addressed in our orientation program.


learning really good study skils. learning how to balance such a crazy schedule. learn how to shop for groceries on my own


One thing I wish I had known before coming to Azusa Pacific University is that upperclassmen and faculty members are there to support you. My freshman year, I had a hard time adjusting to college life, and struggled in some of my classes as a result. Sophomore year, I had some roommate troubles, and found it uncomfortable to be in my own apartment. Had I known that there were older students and faculty members that were available to help students struggling in their academic and personal lives, I could have helped myself avoid those hard times.


I wish I had known that APU was going to be hard to get a job. I've been lookin for a job all semester and I've applied to 3 places and no one had called me back to reject or accept me. I'm planning on studying abroad next semester and it's hard to get a job for just december. I've been upset with the school in that regard.


This school is great! Not, the most academic, but great experience!


There is nothing that took me for surprize when i came to Azusa Pasific University, they informed me well.