It's beautiful and small.
During the years at Azusa Pacific University what I appreciated most were the professors taking interest in me as a person; they wanted to genuinely know how I was doing emotionally outside of how I was doing academically in their course. I brag about Professor Beverly Crane who was my voice teacher, and Dr. Brenda Reinebach who was my piano teacher. They were concerned about me, my feelings, the struggles I was having and what they could do to help me through.
I brag about the study abroad opportunities that are given to the students. The university does a great job of providing ways for students to immerse themselves in another culture and receive a great education at the same time.
The theology program was fantastic, probably one of the best undergraduate theology programs currently in existence.
The teachers here are, for the most part, exceptionally genuine. They care about the success of their students more than teachers I've taken at other colleges and they will do everything they can to help their students achieve good grades. It's hard to find people like that these days; people who are just as concerned about how well they're teaching as they are about just making the money to survive. In this small way, Azusa Pacific University has made a wonderful name for itself.
Assuming this question is referring to my Undergraduate education, I would confidently remark that the relationship of the students to their professors is communicative and altruistic. The student-to-student relationship is very similar. It is an extremely encouraging environment that is both personally, academically, and spiritually stimulating and inspiring. It is impossible to attend this university and not be fully impacted by the Faculty, Speakers, and fellow Students. This institution is an example for all other institutions to follow. They successfully exhibit their mission statement through those who have dedicated themselves to serving the students and their needs.
When I am talking to my friends about Azusa Pacific University I share with them all the many unique and different life changing opportunities they offer such as, study abroad opportunites focused around your major, missions outreach worldwide, internships and opportunities to establish relationships with people from non-profits, churches and other companies world wide. I also share with them that Azusa's curriculum is centered on the priciples of the bible with a unique forcus on outreach.
"Pasadena is College is the best school in the area!" They offer the best classes for an affordable cost. The school has good connections with the best Universities in the state for continuing students. It is a great way to save money to attend community college before transferring to a four-year school; and at Pasadena City College, students get university quality classes. The school has great music and art programs (my personal favorites) that will prepare artists for the field. There are many clubs that students can join; Salsa club, International Fellowship, and honor's programs. Overall, PCC rocks!
I often talk about how great the community is here at Azusa. Even as a freshman, everybody is friendly and welcoming, no matter where you go or what you do someone is likely to introduce themselves to you and try to make you feel welcome or part of the group. The community is what draws most people here, I think, because it's just so much different than anywhere else. I believe that's why it is also one opf the college's four cornerstones that they try to build on.
I brag about the dorm life because I believe it is the best experience for anyone to have and if they have the opportunity to, they should try to live on campus. The friendships that you make when you dorm are indescribable and those friends will be life-long friends.