Auburn University at Montgomery Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


What I wish I would have known before I came to Auburn University of Montgomery was that it is a writing intensive school. After a student takes English Comp and Enlgish Comp 2 they will have to take at least 3 to 5 intensive writing courses to fulfill AUM's graduate requirements. I have never been the strongest writer and I am not afraid to admit it.


I am satisfied with the school so therefore I have no complaints.


There is nothing that I wish I had known before I came to Auburn University at Montgomery. I love everything about my school.


I wish I had known about the different scholarships that they had to offer.


I wish I knew how boring it was and how students are so disconnected. It is really hard to make friends here. I wish I would have known about the Honors program.


I wish I had known more of receiving financial aid before attending this college, or any other college. I believe it would have hopefully cut down on much worring; thoughts of how I will be able to afford my education.


AUM is a wonderful school and im truly happy to be a student there, but it is important for incoming students to realize that a high value is placed upon hard work and strong work ethic at this school. Everything here is earned, but by the time of graduation students are genuinely prepared in their fields of choice.


I wish I had known more about who to go to when I had a problem with something pertaining to school.


I wish I had known that advisors and professors are not allowed to place students in classes they need. ONLY YOUR ADVISOR can help you. If your advisor is away out of town or otherwise busy, you may end up not being able to get in the classes you want/need.