Auburn University at Montgomery Top Questions

What should every freshman at Auburn University at Montgomery know before they start?


I would give myself the same advice i had believed in: hardwork and steadiness wins the race.


My advice would be to search for the right college that fits them and enjoy their college experience. Stay focused and work hard, but make sure they are doing that towards something they really want in life. Ask someone if they don't understand, and help someone if they do understand. It'll definitely make the college life a lot easier.


My advice for parents and students who want to find the right college is to do your homework! (Pun intended.) Be sure to look into every aspect of each school you are considering. Make sure that the school offers exactly, or close to, what you expect out of your college experience. Also, be sure you choose a school that is forward thinking, cares about its students, and is well rounded. Most importantly of all, visit any campus you are considering. While there, be sure to speak to other students and faculty, and get a feel for the school. Do not just listen to what the school's website or pamplet says; see what the actual students' opinions are. Do they match what the school says about itself? Finally, go with your gut. If you feel that a school is the right fit for you, then it probably is. If you don't feel that way, then it isn't where you should invest your money.


for the parents, find out what the college is known for. A good way to do this is to go on myspace or facebook., this will give you LOTS


DO IT. AUM is a great place to learn, work, and interact with other students. The proffessors are genuinely concerned with progress and want to help you succeed.


Pick a school that is academically challenging and in an area that you would like to live.


Choose a school that feels right. Don't just go to a college because the high school social group is going. In college, I have made friendships that will last me a lifetime. Don't get bogged down with course work, let loose and have fun, but be sure to stay on top of the classes. Most of all, try to make the most of it all, because sooner or later, it will all end one day.


Please find out everything you can about financial aid.


Determine the size of the college you want to deal with (in terms of class size) -- large or small? Then preview the campuses of that size, if not just for a few hours to see what life is like there.


If I could give one piece of advice, it would have to be to not rush. If you are not sure what you want to do, do not make the mistake of thinking you are "stuck." I have changed my major 3 times and am back at what I oringinally started off with. I should be graduating pretty soon, even though I thought changing my major would set me back. Also, learn as much as you can about how a college operates. For instance, if you run into a problem, know who to go to. This is something i find ver frustrating when I need help. I feel as though sometimes I am running around getting nothing accomplished. These are the two things I strongly emphasis. Just meet as many people as you can and be open-minded. This has been the best experience in my life so far. Take full advantage of the opportunities you have.