Arkansas Tech University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Arkansas Tech University?


Sometimes the internet doesn't work, and the email breaks. Some of the services are slow.


The parking is incredibly frustrating. There's not enough for the on campus or off campus. There are more and more students coming each year, but they're not adding parking. The campus police are very slow to respond. I've never seen them pull anyone over for speeding. Usually we only see the tickets they leave on windshields. It makes it difficult to rely on them because they don't seem to be around. It takes them almost an hour to help people get their keys out of their car when accidentally locked in.


Is the fact about regestration for classes before they fill up.


To save money, they turned off the air conditioning in several buildings.


The school is very laid back. So sometimes it takes awhile to get something done, or have something done for you.