Pay attention in class. The things that you are being taught actually will help you in college. Also, watch your grades. Don't think oh it's just high school it doesn't even matter and just slack off because you're a senior. If you keep up your grades you won't have to get a loan and stuff. That will take a lot of stress off. Don't get in the habit of slacking off either because once you start to get into that habit it's hard to get out of; especially when you start college. Because once you start to fall behind it is very very difficult to catch up. One other thing, high school is small but there is still a lot of diversity there. Accept it and learn about all of those awesome people cause college will have a lot more of them. Don't be shy, get out of that habit as well. If you don't talk to anyone then you'll miss out on a lot of awesome opportunities.
I would advise myself that making connections with others is one of the most important things about the college experience, because networking is the best way to find a job after graduation. Joining clubs and extra-curricular activities is essential in meeting others and connecting with them. Campus organizations and activities are ways to find people with common interests, which helps in forging the bonds that will help land a job. Initially, college will seem intimidating, but it is important to accept it and have fun. Studying and homework should always take priority, but there will always be plenty of time to socialize with friends afterward. Finally, I would tell myself that college life is not nearly as strenous and time-demanding as many of my high school teachers would have me to believe. There is plenty of time for friends, band, homework, studying, and anything else that needs your attention. College life is not something to worry about, it is something to enjoy and experience.
Don't procrastinate. Buy rainboots. 8:00 a.m. classes may be a better idea than 1:00 p.m. classes. Read the chapter when your teacher tells you to. Get organized. Don't drink the night before a test. Dont eat out so much...go to the grocery store.
Find a college that makes you feel at home. Like you belong there because a good majority of your time is spent walking around the campus going places. Find a campus that caters to what you need and not necessairly what you might want. A campus should make you feel at home so if it makes you uncomfortable being there its probably not right for you. To make the most out of the experience you need to get active and involved, find friends that will support you and even guide you. Talk to the teachers instead of just listening. Interact with them, it'll make learning easier. Take a leap out of bounds and expand your learning by maybe taking classes that interest you even if they dont go towards your degree. Always look for ways to broaden your horizon, gather experience and knowledge, but most importantly be yourself and have fun. Thats what college is for. Its a growing and learning experience that will make your life so much brighter.
Obviously the reason a person goes to college is to get a good career. But sometimes the really good students can get caught up in partying and what not. Some advice I would give to anyone out there is be aware those MOST colleges have a party social life. If you don't want to get sucked into it, don't attend a big school, since the bigger schools have a lot of partying. Also when choosing a school, think about the career you would like. See if that school has a good program for your career path choice. People also need to remember that when you get to college there are going to be alot of different people with a lot of different beliefs then you. You just need to stick to what you believe and don't let others corrupt what you believe in your heart. Also, be open to new friends! I came to ATU knowing nobody and I made so many life long friends!
When you are looking for a college, you don't just want to look at how expensive and well-known the university is. Yes, those are important factors, but you also want to take into consideration the faculty at the school, the location of the school, the surrounding area, and how big the school is. Is the faculty nice? If they are, that usually means they sincerely care about your opinions and your needs. How far away from home is the university? You don't want to go too far, but depending on your degree this may not matter. What is the surrounding area like? Are there things for you to do off campus? It can be really frustrating if you're stuck on campus all year with nothing to do on the weekends. You don't want a school that's too big for you because then it's harder to contact your professors. However, you want to do some research into the university's credentials in the area you plan to major in! This is the most important!
There are several things a student or their parents should know about choosing their perfect college and making the most of their experience. One of the most important pieces of advice that could be given is to choose a college that best fits the student. When I was choosing colleges, I wanted to make sure the school i attended wasn't too big. I don't believe i would do well in an environment that is always crowded and where the teachers arent genuinly concerned about my educaion. However, some students do better in that kind of environment. It all depends on that student's personality. Once you have found you're perfect college, it is important to make the most out of your experience there. Join clubs, attend sporting events, and enjoy the free social gatherings the college provides. It is important to make friends and make these years the best of your life. You'll never get these years back, so why not enjoy every minute of it?
Visit as many colleges as you can, and not just on pre-arranged mass visit days. You'll learn the most if you go on a normal day and see students acting natural; most high schools have absentee forgiveness for such days. Sit in on some classes to try and get a feel of the place. Don't let your friends decide where you go, and be careful about rooming with your best friend; You will make a lot of new friends at college! Be sure of what kind of atmosphere you want at college - city, rural, or in between. You should live on campus your first year, it really does help you focus on your schoolwork and become part of the amazing social networks that develope in your class. Most of all, stay positive! The first year of school is tough, it's a big change in your life. Also, don't forget to call home! Mom and/or Dad just lost a kid to the big bad world, they're gonna be worried for a while!
Good luck, and Have FUN!
Finding the right college can be tough if you don't know where to start. I started looking at colleges at the end of Sophomore year in high school. I think it is important to get an early start so that the student and their parents have plenty of time to go over information, make campus trips, and send all paperwork in in a timely fashion. Every prospective student and their parent(s) should take their time in looking over the prospective school's information. Make sure your school has everything you might want and at a price you can afford: degrees, housing, financial aid.
Once you've made up your mind, don't forget to relax and have fun in college. Try new things, meet new people, but don't forget to stay true to your self. Stay on top of your school work, it's important for keeping those scholarships and staying in school. Don't stay away from home too long, or at least keep up with your parents because they'll definitely worry and miss you after a while.- and you'll miss them (or the dog, whatever).
So, have fun and ENJOY!
Don't just go to college because its the next step. Go to college when you have a clear idea about what you want out of life. Otherwise you will feel lost and no where near the end of the tunnel. But when you do know what you want, go for it with everything you have, don't stop reaching for your dreams.