Arkansas State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Arkansas State University-Main Campus know before they start?


I have learned a lot about myself personally and academically. I have learned how to push myself more to prepare myself to get the most out of my classes that I can. I have also learned a lot of independence and worked on my social skills. A college education is very important to me because my parents struggled without one and I want to do better for myself and if I ever have a family.


College life is very different than High School. If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to learn how to study. I got by with not studying in High School and made exceptional grades. However, in college I fend for myself and have to study for quizzes and exams. I would also tell myself to be more outgoing. In college you must put yourself out there and be socialable. Many college students meet their best friends at parties and events. It is simple college life.


The first thing I would do is go to my teachers and thank them for the skills they instilled in me which I am currently using. Then I would have paid more attention to my mother and focused on my purpose in life. I would seek God on my purpose and strive to go into the field which leads to that purpose. I believe every minute in life is very valuable and I have limited time to play. I really didn't pay attention to that part of my life in high school and regret it sometimes. Yes I have great grades and great goals which will in the natural lead me to a great successful career. However when I lay down at night I want to be sure without a shadow of a douth that I am doing what I was created to do. So to answer "what advice would you give yourself?", it would be 'seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things would be added until to me, according to His Will. " By L. Minter


Don't be intimidated. It is hard and not at all like High School, but not just in a bad way. You aren't going to be able to just coast with minimal effort and you will have to study and try but it's also more challenging and invigorating. Your teachers actually know what they talk about and for once you're going to feel like you're learning something from them. Also, don't wait until the last minute. It may be hard because of the baby and you're worried about everything, but it all works out, so hurry up and get the ACT taken care of so you can enroll in fall and get an institutional scholarship.


As a incoming freshman, I thought I knew everything and that no one else knew what was best for me. Boy was I wrong! If i I went back in time I would tell myself to learn how to cook because the caferteria definetly gets old. Then to room with somone I knew because rooming with a complete stranger is horrible. If you do get stuck with someone you do not know try to get to know them over the summer. This will let you know about their personality and know what to expect. Also, class is a pretty big deal! Go no matter what! Don't fail that 8:00 in the morning class because you missed too many day


I would tell myself to study harder for the ACT and to keep my grades up so I would be elligible for more scholarships.


I would tell myself that college isn't like high school. That I wouldn't be able to slack off as much as I did in high school and that skipping class would be a terrible decision. That maintaining focus in class and attendance is extremely important because in the end both ultimately contribute to making a college experience easier because you're prepared and have no need for cramming before a test. I would also tell myself, it DOES NOT matter what other people think, to relax, and not stress so much because it never helps anything because you will find those who understand you and love you and that family will be there before and after all the friends who come into your life. And most importantly, do what makes you happy and everything else will fall in its place on its own.


I would advise myself, to think about what major I really wanted to persue in college cause I might change my mind. And also to study ahead of time and make sure you know the material for the test even if you think it may not all be on there no it all. Talk to your professors they are not only there to teach you, but also to answer any questions you have. They are really nice and really want to see you succeed. Some classes are harder than others, it depends on your teacher. College is great ! You will love it and I know that you will succeed. Just study, attend class, and do everything assigned and you will be great.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to make sure I got involved with some group or team on campus. Any campus can be scary and lonely in the begining without having some sort of group or team to get in contact with early. It is a great chance to start friendships early and to make some that will last a life time. I would also tell myself to be prepared mentally and physically for the begining strains of harder classes and more responsibility. The last thing I would tell myself is to spend my money wisely because it can disappear in a heartbeat and that is not a good way to please the parents.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself that it really is true that I won't see my high school friends as often as I use to. I would tell myself to make more time to spend with them and make sure that we kept in touch. I also would have told myself to focus more on basketball, because once I graduated High School I never had any time to play. I would have told myself that I graduated with a 4.2 GPA average but once I got into my first semester of college nothing would be as easy as what I expected it to be. I would definately love to go back in time and tell myself that my first semester of college I would need to study a lot more than what I was use to or else my grades wouldn't be as good. I would tell myself to stay motivated and not to get discouraged because it's all worth it when you do good. There's a lot about college I have already learned and I'm sure there's a lot more ahead!