Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Arizona State University-Tempe? Is this stereotype accurate?


Arizona State University students are typically stereotyped as Partiers and Drinkers. As usual, these stereotypes are accurate for a few students, but not the entire population. Arizona State University is a very large university and has a group of people that fit every description. Regardless of your interests, you will meet other students that share them and there will be a group of people that you enjoy spending time with.


A major stereotype that people have about Arizona State University students is that we aren't as educationally adequate as students of other schools. It is said that we go to ASU because it is the only place that we could get accepted. This is completely inaccurate. We have one of the top business schools and great programs. I have met so many people from all kinds of majors with great aspirations who are dedicated to school and who work very hard. Any college you go to is going to have students who don't set high goals for themselves or care about school as much as others.


The stereotype of students at Arizona State varies from person to person. The party kid aspect is fading slightly but is still present. The great aspect of ASU and its HUGE campus is that is comes with a HUGE student body. ASU has every stereotype you could imagine but it breaks all of them as well. No matter where you think you fit in you will find it on campus.


There are many stereotypes and it all depends on which "clique" you hang out with. If you are surrounded with greeks, then that stereotype is that you party too much; however, many greek organizations focus on academics and community service. The overall stereotype of Arizona State University students are of "party animals". ASU is attached to this label of being a party school, therefore, all students love to party. I think otherwise and surround my people with the same goals as mine which is to graduate and help my community. Furthermore, this stereotype is not accurate and all stereotypes about jocks, frat kids, stoners, geeks, are false. There is more to people than that.


This is a reputation that seems to be the only thing anyone knows about Arizona State univerity, or at least the only thing they are talking about. It is true, like with any college, if all you want out of your education at ASU is a good party you can find it but there really is so much more to find here on this huge beautiful campus! Not only are there HUNDREDS of opportunities to get involved, but W.P. Carey is one of the top ranked business programs and ASU is actually a research 1 university with highly competitive graduate school opportunities! ASU really is the best of ALL worlds!


If you want to party, you will find a large amount of people who regularly do. But if you don't, there are also plenty of people who don't. It just depends on what sub college you are in and who you find to hang out with. I've been going there for almost 3 years now, and not once have I heard of crazy parties, or anyone being pushed into going to one, and I am an art major. Also, though we are a dry campus, that still hasn't stopped some people from bringing alcohol into their dorms. Just know if you do decide to do that, your CA's will catch you and suspension or even being asked to leave the University is a common punishment. Overall, ASU hasn't lived up to the high stakes party school stereotype I've constantly heard/read about before enrolling. But if that's you, you will find it. Just depends on how much you want to party, I suppose. The college demographic is hugely diverse, and each campus will have a larger concentration of certain groups of people, though I'd never say they're stereotypes. Because Tempe campus in the main and largest campus, you'll get the wider variety of people attending. The fraternities and sororities are all based down there. West (Glendale) campus is fairly small, but is still diverse enough for most people. Polytech (Mesa) is also small, but I've never been there, so can't say much about the students there. Downtown is the smallest, and is located right in Downtown Phoenix, so there is a definitely an urban vibe,


Most students here are thought of as stupid and good looking and to be honest the majority fit this stereotype.


EVERYONE thinks that ASU is a massive party school, and that all the girls are "sluts" and the guys are "fratty"; NOT true. The only reason ASU was given the title of the #2 party school in the nation is because it is such a large school. I know many people who DO party, but I know a lot more who do not. Many people here are committed to their passions and their schoolwork.


I think people think about ASU as a "Party School". In fact in most colleges there are many students who party, it just so happens we are a large college. This means there are more students so the ones people see partying automatically gives this large group of people that name. It is completely not true.


I don't agree with this stereo-type at all, and I know that some of the work of President Michael Crow is helping dispel this myth. I think that there is so many students on campus that to label the student body as any one stereo-type would be impossible. We are diverse, and we are large. I feel that you could find any group of kids you wanted to here, and that is why I love ASU.