The worst thing about my school would have to be the food selection. We don't have the healthiest options to choose from. The student union building has mostly fast food venues and the dining halls have some good foods however they offer heavy comfort foods.
I would say the worst thing about my school is that it's hard to get the classes you need and fit them into a schedule that works for you. Arizona State has a massive amount of classes and they try to accomodate everyone, but there are so many students in the first place that they fill up quickly. When this happens you might end up taking a class at 10:00 AM and then having to come back to campus at 6:00 PM for your next class which is really frustrating when you have a job too.
The worst thing about ASU is how much tutition costs. To attend this school students and their families are breaking the bank just to attend this school. It's too much for an education.
The size of general courses is staggering and is the worst thing about ASU. The class size can range from 100 to 300 students. As a freshman, this can lead to students getting lost in the shuffle or feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the class. There is a certain lack of personalization in these large lectures and often, the professor remains a distant lecturer rather than a mentor. The best things to do are to form study groups and actually visit the professor during office hours.
The worst thing about my school would be that it is a smoking campus. Students are allowed to smoke anywhere they wish outside of the buildings. This makes it difficult for those of us who are not around second hand smoke outside of school. It is difficult to adjust to the constant smell of cigarette smoke when it is not a normal thing in one's life.
Overall, the worst thing about ASU is the sheer number of people. It can be hindrance in class, as their is less of a personal touch and sometimes more of a one size fits all approach to education. This forces our to take your education into your own hands and make sure that you are engaging the professor on an individual level, and compete for their attention.
Before school started I thought the worse thing for me would be having a not normal room mate, waiting in a long line to eat, or whether or not I would feel safe. I was completely wrong about all of the above. I don't know what I would concider the worse thing about my school at this time.
This kind of goes along with the first question. Almost anyone with a high school diploma will get accepted into UWF, but the fact that their registration process and advisor counseling is so bad, I don't know why anyone would want to get started there. There are some great aspects about the school, but it is so difficult to get started it can quickly get discouraging and most likely turn students away. The advisors are very little help when wanting help as a student. This I believe is one of the worst things about the University of West Florida.
The worst thing about ASU is trying to understand the teachers speaking. Many of my teachers have been really hard to understand because of their accents which makes learing quite a bit harder. My physics lab teacher was so hard to understand that he usually had to write on the board and then people would still ask him questions. I also had a math teacher that had a really thick accent and most of the class had trouble understandig him as well.
The worst thing about my school is the cost! It is so expensive to attend a 4 year university. Between Room and board, tuition, and books, I feel that I am drowning in debt. I have noticed that everday items such as paper, pens, and notebooks are twice as expensive on campus as they are at surrounding stores.