Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I do not think there is anything that i had wish i would have known.


I wish i would have known that the finanal aid at this school i s very tricky. Whether it is the department or the school but it is very tricky. It seems like they try not to give to the money that you need.the school is great and its a great place to learn.


I would have love to have had a bit more information on where stood with financing and how much i owed before the month i was suppous to start college.


Before I began attending Anderson University, I wish I had been informed of websites such as Chegg and Bookrenter before my first semester. I would have saved several hundred dollars on books for my education that semester. As a commuting college student, it is very important to save money whenever possible.


I wish I had known that our classes would change when we got a new dean. I wish I had also known about all the increases in tuition each year.


I wish I had known, or had the better sense to study more. Anderson isn't more difficult than other universities, but they do expect you to pull your weight. They want you to succeed, they do all they can to help, but you definitely have to study.


I am very please with this school. I wished I had taken all my general education courses at a technical college due to price of tuition.


I wish I would've known how to manage my time better. It's hard for me to balance social events and academics. I am trying to study abroad in Australia, and it's been difficult trying to find a way to do that because I started looking at this so late. I wish I would've known ahead of time so I could prepare better.


Before I came to Anderson University, I wish I would've known to make this University my first stop. I graduated high school in 2003 and did not really know where to look to continue my education. My family never attended college and barely made it out of high school, so for me to aim towards a higher education was a huge deal. I chose a University high in cost, very demanding and that provided little concern for my personal educational experience. Had I known what I do now, I would've planted my foot in Anderson from the start.


The community aspect at Anderson is almost overwhelming. EVERYONE cares about EVERYONE. There is always someone to talk to. People are very interested in each other's life story.