Albany State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Albany State University? Why?


The heat only because this is southwest Ga.


How financial aid takes forever and they mess up a lot of my classes.


I consider the worst thing about my school is that there was a rumor going around that Albany State was losing its accredidation and it really wasn't. It was a little embarrassing but whats there to be embarrassed about a rumor.


The worst thing about my school is the slowness of the faculty and staff when it comes to financial aid, registration, and admissions.


Sometimes they are slow with financial aid and it can become annoying. I think the way they go about getting dorms are bad and that they could be better. The rules for dorms could be different. Sometimes they treat us like we are freshman.


It is a party school, instead of it being a school. There is a party every week and everyday. If freedom and learning came as in equal experience it would be much easier for this school to keep their students focused so that they can graduate on time or graduate at all. Unlike most schools, this learning institution only care about the students that pay the most money. Other students that do not have financial aid do not get much attention and often times drop out, thinking no one cares about them and their future.




As a psychology junior , the students at this instituion are the worst aspect of this campus. There is a lack of conceptualizing when thy write , the inablity to articualte themselves when they speak and unwillingness to deliver and research properly within a group or indiviudal setting


All the eating places on campus close at 7pm.


Oganization here at Albany State is an issue we have been faced with since the begining of my tenure. Grading processes, scheduling of classes, financial aid, housing, and contacting employees are all issues that need to be addressed when it comes to organization.