Alabama State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Alabama State University?


Nothing, I truly can't complain about anything frustrating on my campus


The peolpe in the offices are always losing students paper work.


Sometimes the faculty, excluding the professors and teachers, act like they get frustrated with us. Mainly, the financial aid advisors. I got into graduate school at alabama state, and I was never once told that in Graduate school, you cannot receive financial aid. They had me fill out a lot of paperwork, only to tell me in the end that I had to apply for student loans.


The availability of having double majors. The time conflict of registration when you have full-time courses dealing with time-conflicted classes.


They give you the run around when you is trying to get information on your financial aid.


They are not organized and they give you the run around.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the staff in the finacial aid office are quick to kick students who have nothing out of there dorms because they cant pay a certain amount for school. Thats the most frustrating thing about my school.


the housing


Disrespectful staff


the most frutaring thing about my school is sometimes its hard to get new sstudents involved. i believe that the falciulty could do something to make them feel a little more acclimated.